November 15th is BOTOX day across the country, and Floridians couldn’t be more excited. According to research conducted by, your home for Florida sports betting news and updates, residents of the Sunshine State are the most plastic surgery-obsessed in America.
Using Google Trends, we found that over 12 months beginning on November 8th, 2022, the relative search volume for popular plastic surgery procedures amongst all U.S. states was the highest in Florida. After analyzing search terms including “botox", “rhinoplasty,” “liposuction,” “lip fillers,” “abdominoplasty,” and “breast augmentation,” it is clear that no one in America is googling plastic surgery more than the people in Florida.
Most Searched Plastic Surgeries in Florida
States Searching Plastic Surgery the Most
How It Breaks Down
Amongst the procedures we looked at, Botox is by far the most popular search term — possibly due to the effectiveness of branding campaigns like National Botox Day. According to AbbVie, the pharmaceutical giant behind Botox, half a million treatments were prompted by National Botox Day last year.
After Botox, abdominoplasty is the most googled plastic surgery. Commonly known as a “tummy tuck,” the procedure is meant to tighten the stomach area and remove excess skin and fat. Not to be confused with a gastric bypass, in which you have your “stomach stapled,” an abdominoplasty is most often performed following a significant weight loss, after pregnancy, or just to reduce the natural tummy “sag” associated with aging.
The next most commonly searched for plastic surgeries are the “nose job” and “boob job” — AKA rhinoplasty and breast augmentation, respectively. Finally, lip fillers is the fifth most popular procedure according to our research experiment.
While many have a glib view of medical cosmetic treatments, Florida residents need not be ashamed of their position as the American state most obsessed with plastic surgery. Attitudes are changing quickly, and according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, over 4 million people receive Botox treatments each year.
Be sure to stay with for news stories in the Sunshine State and to keep up with all the best Florida sportsbook apps expected to live here as soon as online sports wagering becomes legal.

Jeff Parker is an entertainment writer for A writer for film, television and the internet, Jeff is a life long movie buff, with a Masters Degree in Popular Culture. He lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he works full time as documentary filmmaker and producer.